
Mister Tahiti is a popular annual event, held in the gardens of Papeete Town Hall, to elect the most handsome man in French Polynesia. Contestants must have qualities that combine elegance, kindness and strength. Only about a dozen of the initial candidates from all over The Islands of Tahiti are selected for this final stage of the competition.

Mister Tahiti ©_Teikidev

Mister Tahiti Contest

The Mister Tahiti contest isn’t just an opportunity to display the masculine beauty of young Polynesians. It is also a promotion of some of the basic values of ma’ohi culture; solidarity and respect for the environment. Candidates are encouraged to participate in social and environmental projects in order to become cultural ambassadors for The Islands of Tahiti. The winner of the contest goes on to represent French Polynesia in the prestigious Mister France contest.


Comité Mister Tahiti

Place: Tahiti
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.mistertahiti.com/

Mister Tahiti © Teikidev
Mister Tahiti ©_Teikidev

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